Guidelines for presentations


  – Contributed Oral Presentations: 12 minutes for the presentation followed by 3 minutes for questions.

   – Invited Oral Presentations: 25 minutes for the presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions.

All speakers are urged to respect these time limits.


  • A standard HDMI connection to the projector will be available. If needed, speakers are requested to bring adapting connectors (e.g., for Apple laptops).
  • Presenters who will make use of the conference PCs (Windows-based with PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader installed) are requested to upload and check their presentation well before the session starts. Please bring your presentation on a USB memory stick.


Posters should be printed in A0 size (841 x 1189 mm) with a portrait orientation. Poster presenters are asked to mount their posters the morning of their respective poster session and they are requested to take away the poster after the end of the poster session.